
TextMarks API V2 - AutoDoc: TextMarkManager / set_group_config()

Method: set_group_config() (POST) - Set social/group settings

Package: TextMarkManager - Manage a TextMark owned by authenticated user (... View package)


Req? Name Type Description Test
REQ auth_user User User account / phone# used for login
REQ auth_pass Password Password
REQ tm TextMark TextMark keyword/TRI owned by auth_user
OPT api_key API Key API Key (Register here)
OPT group_enabled Bool (0/1) Group mode enabled on this TextMark?
OPT parent_group_enabled Bool (0/1) Does this group have a parent group?
OPT parent_group TextMark Parent group of this TextMark
OPT auto_join Bool (0/1) Users automatically join on texting keyword?
OPT user_msgs_allowed Bool (0/1) Users can "post" messages?
OPT user_msgs_broadcasted Bool (0/1) Broadcast user messages to all members?
OPT user_msgs_to_leaders Bool (0/1) Deliver user messages to group leaders?
OPT broadcast_updates Bool (0/1) Broadcast TextMark basic response changes?
OPT welcome_head String Group welcome message first line
OPT optin_offer_enabled Bool (0/1) Send special offer message to users on subscription?
OPT optin_offer_first String Message to send to users on their first subscription
OPT optin_offer_again String Message to send to users on subsequent subscriptions
OPT name_required Bool (0/1) Obtain names from anonymous users interacting with group?
OPT freq_num String Est. numeric value for frequency of expected broadcast msgs
OPT freq_per_period String Est. period label for frequency of expected broadcast msgs



  • Set group configuration for the TextMark tm, defining if and how users can join, what they can do, what messages go to whom, etc.
  • Each TextMark can serve as a group identifier, allowing users to join to receive alerts, communicate with each other, and more.
  • Group options are optional, and non-social TextMarks may provide valuable services for users without enabling any group features.
  • Only options specified will be changed:
    Primary switch to enable group functionality and allow users to join the TextMark group. Disabling will also remove all members and deactivate dependent features including parent_group.
    Enable/disable parent_group (see below). Both this and parent group (TextMark) must be group enabled. Useful for: measuring multiple campaign effectiveness; temporary promotions and contests; offering optional detailed alerts along with shared general alerts.
    Assign a parent group to a keyword so subscriptions to the child keyword (this one) trigger subscriptions to both child and parent (using parent welcome message).
    When users text the keyword tm to 41411, in addition to whatever else is configured to happen (see request_handler()), will they automatically become members of the group? If not (and if group_enabled), they are given the option to "Reply Y" to join.
    Are users allowed to "post" messages to the group (such as by texting "KEYWORD my message here" to 41411 or by using see RegisteredUser.post_group_message())? What actually happens to posted messages is subject to other config options. Even if posted messages are not delivered anywhere, they are still archived and available such as by Anybody.textmark_messages(). Whether this settings is enabled or not, TextMark group leaders will still be able to post messages and broadcast alerts.
    When users post messages, should the messages be broadcast to all group members ("many-to-many")? Enabling this allows users to easily group-chat over SMS.
    When users post messages, should the messages be sent to group leaders ("many-to-one")? Enable this to collect feedback directly from group members. If user_msgs_broadcasted is enabled, then this option is redundant.
    For TextMarks using the basic type request handler (see set_basic_request_handler()), should group members be notified (with new text) when the response text changes?
    Optional customization of the welcome message sent to users joining your group. This should be a short text snippet (<= 60 chars), for insertion at the beginning of the welcome message, the rest of which contains carrier mandated opt-out instructions, etc. The default message will be something simple like "Welcome to the (org name) texting program."
    Enable this mode to send an extra text message to users when they subscribe to your keyword. This is often used as an opt-in incentive, e.g. a sign might prompt a user to "Join our text list and get a free funnel cake!". This feature would provide a mobile text coupon that could be redeemed to complete such an offer.
    The extra text message sent to a user upon first subscribing. Only used if optin_offer_enabled is enabled. Example: "Thanks for signing up.  Show this text to the cashier to get a free funnel cake.  Expires in 2 days."
    The extra text message sent to a user who subscribes to a keyword they have previously been subscribed to. This is an anti-fraud feature and can be used to kindly remind users that they are not eligible for the offer. Only used if optin_offer_enabled is enabled. Example: "You've already subscribed to our VIP Club.  Stay tuned for upcoming offers!"
    If enabled, all users without valid names associated who subscribe to or otherwise make SMS requests to the group will be prompted for their name prior to their request being completed. Names are visible in various reports. Alternate means of obtaining names exist including GroupLeader.broadcast_name_request()
    Estimated numeric value for frequency of expected broadcast messages. E.g. "3", "5", "~1", "9+", etc. May be included in fixed portion of system-generated welcome message to users. Combined with freq_per_period to indicate frequency as freq_num/freq_per_period.
    Estimated period label for frequency of expected broadcast messages. E.g. "dy", "wk", "mo", "yr". May be included in fixed portion of system-generated welcome message to users. Combined with freq_num to indicate frequency as freq_num/freq_per_period.
  • See group_config() to read the current settings.
  • The GroupLeader API package is an interface for group leaders to broadcast, manage members, etc.


JSON response.head.rescode==0 for success, or error code otherwise.
JSON-P callback: (as 'jsonp' param, optional) (blank for none)


POST http://alpha.api2.textmarks.com//TextMarkManager/set_group_config/


This page documents a single API function set_group_config() within the TextMarkManager package of the TextMarks Text Message API.
You may use the interactive form above to invoke this function and observe its actual JSON response.

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