
TextMarks API V2 - AutoDoc: GroupLeader / scheduled_broadcasts()

Method: scheduled_broadcasts() (GET) - List pending scheduled alert broadcasts

Package: GroupLeader - Broadcast and manage messages and members (... View package)


Req? Name Type Description Test
REQ auth_user User User account / phone# used for login
REQ auth_pass Password Password
REQ tm TextMark TextMark group led by auth_user
OPT api_key API Key API Key (Register here)
OPT format String Alternate response format specifier
OPT offset Integer 0-based result to start with (default 0)
OPT count Integer #results desired (max 100) (default 20)



  • Pending alerts are returned with the soonest first.
  • Each returned message will contain id, nick, name, user_tz, user_datetime, and msg.
  • Alternate response formats may be specified with format.
    Default: JSON data for each scheduled broadcast.
    CSV format with each scheduled broadcast on a separate line. Suitable for use with reschedule_broadcasts().
  • See schedule_broadcast() and reschedule_broadcasts() to actually schedule alerts.
  • See unschedule_broadcast() to cancel scheduled alerts.


JSON response.head.rescode==0 for success, or error code otherwise.
JSON-P callback: (as 'jsonp' param, optional) (blank for none)


GET http://alpha.api2.textmarks.com//GroupLeader/scheduled_broadcasts/


This page documents a single API function scheduled_broadcasts() within the GroupLeader package of the TextMarks Text Message API.
You may use the interactive form above to invoke this function and observe its actual JSON response.

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